Ephesians 6:10-19



Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.


Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;


And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.


And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

2018 Edition Explained


For any "hard-core" Bible scholars or other folks who have come here and have found themselves wondering what exactly the significance, purpose or meaning is behind the "2018th Edition" attached to this virtual 1611 Translation, I will provide this explanation for you.

First, as one can probably already guess, 2018 is an approximation of the year this site was created. As I type this, it's presently the latter part of March 2018, and I'm about to enter into the 5th or 6th month of working on this site. Although it was started in the last couple months of 2017, and probably won't be completed until sometime in mid 2019, I chose 2018 since most of the "hardest" work during its construction will be primarily completed in this year. But, "2018th Edition" is actually a misnomer. If the full edition number seen on this site was entirely accurate it would read the "2018th Online Edition, since this is just the first intended use that the content seen here will eventually be used for.

Eventually, and concurrently to completing this online site, I am also creating equivalent versions for eventual download in a variety of file formats including raw text (.txt), an inline Microsoft Word document (including the same styling and formatting seen here), a .pdf text version and more. I will also eventually be releasing files that will be setup properly (facing pages) which in turn, can be used for print production, and construction, of real-world printed Bibles featuring this same text. Additionally, once this site is totally completed, I will immediately after, be using its content to develop an identical App for download so people can have this entire site locally on their device(s), eliminating the need for an internet connection to make even more effecient use of it. So eventually, this 2018th Edition will include other version information, representing the variety of different platforms, formats and media it will be featured and used within - all of which will remain 100% free and open-source, and most importantly, free of intrusive marketing tools and ads.

However, to be 100% clear, the text, or copy, seen on this site (and eventually the same identical text that will be featured in the other eventual files, formats and products described above) is all original "Authorized 1611 King James Bible" content in its purest form possible. I am taking much effort to present the original 1611 translation, word-for-word, as it originally was written. There is, nor will there be, any ommissions, substitutions, modernizations of language*, or any other linguistical changes to the original text or wording in delivery or process of creation. Included here (below) is a list of the minimal alterations made to the formatting and presentation of the original 1611 text, to document all "changes" to the original, both for this site and other later 2018th Editions, as a means for me to remain 100% transparent on this matter. This list, is primarily what defines what makes the 1611 translation seen here, an official 2018th Edition, because ultimately, it is the product of my personal work and endeavors to take the original 1611 translation, and deliver it (free of misrepresentations or errors/typos) to the widest audience possible using modern technology, in a way that cannot be found anywhere else, and at the same time, trying to make it as efficient, educational, historically accurate and yet still, enjoyable for continued daily reference and reading.

2018th Edition Inclusions or noteworthy "Changes"

If anyone inspects an original page taken from the 100% original 1611 translation of the King James, like the one seen above,

Photo and text of 1 John Chapter 1 - Original 1611 KJV

some obvious changes from that, to what is seen here are instantly apparent. This is because I am using and embedding the text taken directly from 2 seperate translations of the original 1611 translation known as the Authorized Cambridge Edition, based on the 1769 Baskerville revision (one completely digital, and the other a printed Bible). Ultimately, and for simplification purposes, the text I am using here is primarily the first "modern" (and American - at that time) authorized English translation of the 1611 King James, that still in turn, was originally translated almost in its entirety from the Textus Receptus manuscript(s) vs. the Codex Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus or other later discovered manuscripts. If you wish to learn more about this, then I suggest using the link below and/or conducting your own research further on this matter. But I will not go into any other in-depth discussion into the history of this matter here.


With this said (above), here is the list of 4 additional (and minimal) changes that I have made from the source translation(s) and version(s) I am using, therefore entitling it to be referred to as a 2018th Edition as seen here:

1) Instead of the scripture appearing in a free flowing manner with chapter and scripture numbers either appearing much like they do here (with minimal alteration) or often appearing inline including both chapter and verse ({20:15} for example), I have opted to stick to, and implement, the most commonly seen and used convention in many/most modern Bibles and other numerically dictated texts, that notates each chapter where it begins inline, and then, marks each verse individually (also inline) using superscripted numerical notation (or, apparatus, a convention and advent of the Geneva Bible translation circa 1560). I chose the light grey color for the scripture notations to enhance readability and limit the break of visual/mental flow in between scriptures that they seemingly can often cause (see Genesis 1:1-6 for an early example of the fully completed layout/design).

2) All other inline printing notation, markup, symbols and references have been removed, thereby, hopefully delivering the scripture in (what I consider) its purest and least impeded form possible (often referred to as "Standard Text"). All paragraph breaks, white spaces or empty "lines" that appear within the body of the text are only being placed where they are generally accepted as also appearing (since the Geneva translation). If anything, I most certainly feel that it helps to offer easier readability, helps to separate one subject (moment, train of thought or topic) from another within the same chapter, and mostly, if anything, provides not only "stopping places to rest" while reading, but can also be used to assist you to visually "bookmark" text as you stop reading and return later to quickly pick up where you left off.

3) The digital .pdf version I am using (originally downloaded from a now unknown origin - but, of obvious Eastern Orthodox decent(s), given the inline numbering apparatus {20:15} for example), mostly consists - almost entirely - of a single font and single font size, and therefore, does not include red-lettering. The printed bible I am using (and its relevant info) can be seen using the link (below - an online listing that I just happened to find while researching it's history and origins). This Bible's text uses the 1611 KJV translation, identical to the digital version I am extracting "raw text" from to use primarily as the base for this site (which will receive later styling as explained in #1 above). Both sources will also be compared/used both during, and later in the process, to best assist me while I checking spelling, grammar and verify overall scriptural integrity.

This printed Bible is red-lettered and does not include the Apocrypha, however, it does include a vast wealth of other content and information that the simplified digital version (that does include the Aprocrypha) does not. I am therefore opting to make all 2018th Editions red-lettered and will not only be referencing the printed Bible mentioned here, but a number of other widely accepted versions to be sure that the red-lettering (and the Apocrypha also) is rendered as accurately as possible, primarily because I think it is valuable to note what words of the Bible are exact words/commands of God and Jesus, vs. the words of mortal man (even if God-inspired nonetheless).

The King James Red Letter Bible, Special Study Edition

Also by choosing to do so in the creative/coding process, it will literally force me to eventually proofread line by line, word by word, every single letter of this text I am embedding within all 2018th Edition 1611 KJV Bibles helping to insure its utmost integrity. Hopefully also then, insuring that in the end, the text will appear without any typos, and/or other possible errors, (as much as is humanly possible) that might otherwise be missed or accidently created in the multi-step operations/process that is being taken to extract, and then re-embed, the original digital .pdf text as it will appear here in its eventual final form. Something that often, widely and unfortunately appears and/or occurs in many of the other online or digital versions of the 1611 KJV translations seen elsewhere in the present.

4) Headings - The only headings that occur in both versions of the 1611 translation I am referencing, primarily only occur as subheadings below individual Book titles. Descriptive headings that occur in between chapters or within the body of the scriptures are mostly modern day, creations, additions and/or inclusions. I have opted to stick to the minimum use of book subheadings as they appear in both of my references, including both versions if there is any variance. Beyond that, I opted to include/embed the Hebrew letters for the different sections, as they do appear in my printed Bible, as well any of the different translations of the name for that letter in parentheses (for educational/reference purposes - see Psalm 119 only). If there are any other notes (or additions) made later as I continue the creative process regarding headings, I will include them here at a later time.

Eventually, I will post a link for a means to allow users to contact me, allowing them to report any typos or errors they might find. However, it is entirely way too early in the process for me to concern myself with that right now. Besides hopefully, as I progress, I will find most (if not all) of any of the possible errors myself. But rest assured, eventually when I am "done" I will most definitely be implementing this feature.

*In addition, I only recently (03.25.18) discovered this website (link), just one of a few similar sites I've since found online that discusses the "validity or integrity" of 1611 KJV bibles online and elsewhere, and I want to address head-on, some of the points/issues it discusses (and perhaps other sites you may come across as well, mostly in regards to language modernization). I am using this one site just as an example, but also to make a clear point about the "validity" of the scripture on this site, because if you go solely by what this example site (or others) might have to say, you may decide this site's scripture and 1611 translation is (in its relative terminology) "counterfeit" - which in turn, would just be an entirely WRONG conclusion.

That being said, I want to be 100% totally clear and transparent and explain exactly what I mean by this. Yes, some of the spelling changes (and only a couple when I originally compared), that are listed on this example site, might possibly appear in the final version of this website/translation -- however, 98% do not. But any of that 2% that may appear here are minimal, and absolutely in no way alters the meaning of the original text. I will guarantee with 100% certainty that anywhere God, Lord, Spirit, etc. is seen in this site that is a direct and proper reference (and not used as a "generic" term), it will appear properly capitialized, as it should.

When I am entirely "done" editing this site and the scripture found embedded within it, I guarantee that it will pass 99% of the "tests" presented on this example site (and probably 99% of others). I can already guarantee, that even as it appears now in "raw and unstyled text" (3.31.18) this claim still remains true.

However, I can already tell you while writing this, that I'm not ever going to attempt to "fix" something (<1%) that clearly isn't "broken" to begin with - to merely try to address some of the seriously nit-picky issues in modern spellings (ex. the addition of a hyphen), like those discussed on this example site. These particular issues discussed are minimal and perhaps also the final results from that one particular example site's author, using only a individual and particular single (and unknown/unreferenced) printed version/translation/copy of the KJV Bible (therefore, also open to human errors in production), which the author just happens to have in his hands, and is using as their one and only source of testing scriptural integrity according to only this particular author's own personalized standards (and therefore, entirely relative which may or may not be historically correct or accurate).

So don't be fooled or led astray automatically by such sites without doing your own research on the matter first. Sites like these are well-intentioned I'm sure, but many of the items they take issue with, are of minimal importance when compared to the major alterations, ommissions and changes that I am (and this site is) conciously trying to avoid and address - such aborent and important changes like the ones that took place in just the translation of the 1611 KJV into the NKJV and NIV, which only gets progressively worse and even more apparent and blatant with each additional and later translation. So, once again, please do your own research, but I stick to my claims that the scripture and text found in this site is about as authentic and accurate as possible when compared to any of the earliest versions of the 1611 KJV that can be found and referenced.



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