Ephesians 6:10-19



Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.


Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;


And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.


And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:


Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

Welcome, and Greetings


2018 Edition Explained

Hello to all visitors,

Welcome to my personal, online Bible. I personally want to extend my thanks to everyone visiting this new website project. I started its construction in late September or November of 2017, and quickly realized when I decide to make this new website, that it was going to be a challenging personal project (if not the most challenging) I have ever thought up and produced online.

Why build it?
There are many reasons I decided to build this site and specifically chose to build it around the Authorized 1611 King James Bible. Some reasons are personal and easier to list (which I'll come back to in a moment), but one of the major reasons is much more complex than I can ever hope to explain here. For anyone to try to understand and relate to this reason, one must honestly invest their personal time to conduct some in depth study regarding the many differences between the Authorized 1611 Translation of the King James Bible and the exponentially growing number of English translations that followed after it's creation. If you want to learn more on this topic I suggest visiting this site...

(The 1611 KJV Bible Website)

In addition, while building and researching this site, I also randomly discovered the YouTube video that I have embedded on the bottom of all these pages for you to watch if you wish to learn more about this subject. Ultimately, I always tell everyone no matter the topic or questions you might have, it's always best to conduct your own research and draw your own conclusions. But, after doing my own research on the topic over the years, I've come to the conclusion that making the effort, and investing the time necessary, to build a site such as this containing any other modern Bible translations like the NKJV, NIV, NASB, NLT, ESV, etc., simply just wouldn't be as beneficial to the world, nor as divinely inspired as the choice I've made to present the Word using the Authorized 1611 King James Bible only. Besides, I'm primarily building this site for my own personal use in mind. However, if others want to make use of it, then glory be to God.

As for the other personal reasons I chose to create this site, I will briefly try to sum it up using a combination of these following (7) factors and intrinsic natures of my very being:
- My passion for digitally preserving and/or archiving all things I consider not only historically important, but also still relevant in the present, and especially crucial for future generations to reference and learn from
- Call it a project of "personal penance"
- Because I enjoy the challenge of creating extremely complex and original online content
- My inability to find any current websites that present the Word, anything remotely like this, for my daily reading/use (or from an app) that is both cost free, and free of, intrusive advertising, marketing or data collection campaigns. (minus the single google ad banner built into these pages at the bottom, which I apologize for, but only include - against my better judgement - since all clicks on it goes directly towards paying for, and sustaining this website)
- My love and need for God and his Word in my daily life
- An attempt to willfully accept the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
- Because I fail to see how I can be, or much less go "wrong", building "an absolutely FREE, 100% Biblicaly accurate and inspired Website" for the entire world to easily access when needed - especially living in these unpredictable and chaotic, modern times.

And finally
, because I mostly just want to share with everyone visiting (and anyone who wants to join me), the very origin and source of my strength behind this first big step on that long journey back home...


Mark D. Gilkison

Creation Notes & Updates Log

Please bookmark and share this site with friends and family. Check this section when visiting for listings of completion updates, technical issues, progess and/or announcements about upcoming content release deadlines.

Last update: 03.25.18

03.09.18 - Second new splash page uploaded. Interface, navigation controls and text styles are 85% established/built/integrated. www.1611Bible.online domain acquired, 100% setup and functional. Raw text being created and embedded - starting at the beginning in the Old Testament (Genesis and Exodus). Type setting and styling has begun in Genesis. Icons created/integrated for shortcuts/bookmarks on a wide variety of devices. Preface is 90% finished completely.

03.10.18 - Taking a step back and doing some backend code cleanup to maximize efficiency and search results.

Goal(s) for 03.17.18


- 1) Raw text inserted for all books in the Old Testament embedded with functional, inline navigation "skip" controls present - needing set/styled only. -


03.13.18 - Raw text inserted for Genesis-Exodus --- "Skip" controls entirely functional for all books of the Old Testament. "Skip" controls for chapters only functional for Genesis 1:1-1:20

- 2) Chapter navigation (right window) completed/functional for Genesis and Exodus. -


03.13.18 - Chapter navigation functional for Genesis 1:1-1:21

- 3) All backend code cleaned up and updated.

03.10-11.18 -


- 4) Genesis Chapter 1 entirely styled -

03.05.18 - Genesis 1:1-1:8 -


03.25.18 - New Goal(s) and 03.17.18 Goal(s) cont'd - been "slacking"


- 1) Raw text inserted for all books in the Old Testament embedded with functional, inline navigation "skip" controls present - needing set/styled only. -


03.25.18 - Raw text inserted for ENTIRE Old Tetament --- "Skip" controls entirely functional for all books of the Old Testament. "Skip" controls for chapters still only functional for Genesis 1:1-1:20 (more features will be added to the "skip" controls later to load the desired book/chapters properly in the far right chapter window).

- 2) Chapter navigation (right window) completed/functional for Genesis and Exodus. -


03.25.18 - refer to #1

- 3) 03.10-11.18 -


- 4) Genesis Chapter 1 entirely styled -

03.25.18 - Genesis 1:1-1:8 -


The final "styling" will now be bumped down my list of objectives. I discovered that my primary focus needs to be new goal #5 - I will not be taking further steps in this regard until the entire Bible raw text has been entirely embedded first.

- 5) NEW, Insert raw text for entire Bible (Apocrypha and New Testament remaining) -


- 6) NEW, Add link to top of this page to access the new and additional page defining the inclusion of the 2018th Edition seen on this site -


03.31.18 - New Goal(s) cont'd - Just in time for Easter tomorrow.

- 1) 03.31.18 --- Raw text finally inserted for ENTIRE Bible :) --- Chapter "Skip" controls entirely functional for ALL books. "Skip" controls for chapters still only functional for Genesis 1:1-1:20 - A "CHAPTER" button has been added to all the skip controls to eventually load the desired book's chapter list in the far right chapter window accordingly. (individual R window chapter listings to be added/embedded next.)

- 2) Chapter navigation (right window) completed/functional for Genesis and Exodus. -

INCOMPLETE. Next big goal to be completed for entire Bible now that all the raw text is present. See #1

- 4) Genesis Chapter 1 entirely styled - see #4 from 03.25.18

- 5) Insert raw text for entire Bible (Apocrypha and New Testament remaining) -


- 6) Added some additional info on the 2018th Edition page of this site.

04.07.18 - New and Old Goal(s) cont'd

- 1) 03.31.18 --- All chapter listings for entire Old Testament (right window) are embedded. Chapter/Book skip controls now functional for Genesis-Psalms

- 2) Chapter navigation (right window) functional for Genesis-Psalms (including all 150 chapters of Psalms!). Next big goal is to complete for entire Old Testament and Aprocrypha by next week.

- 4) Genesis Chapter 1 entirely styled - not anytime soon

04.16.18 - New and Old Goal(s) cont'd

- 2) Chapter navigation (skip controls & right chapter links window) fully functional for entire Old Testament-Apocrypha. Next goal is to complete the same for the remaining New Testament

- 4) Genesis Chapter 1 entirely styled - getting closer

- 7) Finally acquired a new job - Good day today!




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Thank You,